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ATENÇÃO: Este blog é pessoal e não profissional


A country boy told me in an unforgettable evening, that even I knew who he was.
At that moment I hated him, he did not know me, who had given permission to say that? Logo for me, a girl "superior", "well informed". The typical electric girl trapped in a town that was like a force field, surrounded by water, any misstep would lead me to death.
"No, he had no right," I thought.
Years passed, the girl power we have seen a "Claire" from "Heroes", cutting himself and regenerating with each injury. He became a hunter of vampires, looking for a poet to whatever compenssasse of all the suffering he was carrying. Then he swallowed her pain and pretended to be a fantastic woman, leaving those who knew him happy.
Today, all of them from the weaker to the stronger, are fulfilled in me. Nothing was erased, forgotten. All have shaped my being. Many others, besides those esponho. Women and girls who I know or define.
That boy was right, I did not know who or what he wanted. And I still do not know. I do not need to discover me, because I am not one, I'm all of them. I'd rather see in each of these heroes and villains, to lose myself in myself. I prefer to wait for me to unveil to start my own mask.

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